
Cry to the Father

We have several bird feeders on our property and on a typical day there are at least 100 birds throughout the trees, the rooftops, the pond, and the feeders. Needless to say, yes, we love birds.  Last week, we spotted a young bird on the patio and we saw it as it called out for its parents.  It was a very hot day so we set a bowl of fresh water for it to be able to drink and bathe, and we also gave it a small plate of bird seed. We had to chase away a few bully birds who were interested in the water and food and protected the baby bird.  It continued to cry out for its parent bird and could barely fly a few inches off the ground. It had been a windy day and perhaps the young bird was knocked out of its nest.

An adult bird flew in later that day and cried out to the young bird, and it recognized the call. As hard as it could, it tried to follow its parent, and was unsuccessful.  We managed to get the young bird to a safe place under an bush and it spent the night there; however, the next day, we found the young bird dead several feet away from the bush. Did he try to follow the parent’s call? Did the parent bird face danger as it attempted to collect its young bird? Did that young bird call out to its parent until it died from exhaustion?  We will never know; however, that sad sight was such a great visual reminder.

When I am in trouble, I know that I can cry to my Father in Heaven, and He hears me and He rescues me. In times of trouble when I am afraid, I can call on the name of the Lord, and He hears me.  Like that bird, I can be afraid; however, unlike that bird, I have a Father in Heaven that never fails.  Each time I cry out to God, He hears me. He knows me by name and knows what I need before I even ask, which we are taught in the book of Matthew.  I am so blessed, that I can pray to the Lord anytime of the day, anywhere I am, and daily.  Psalm 40, verse 1 tells us, “I waited patiently for the Lord, He turned to me and heard my cry.”  In the day and age we live where so much can steal our focus, I am so grateful that the Lord turns to me and hears me. He is not distracted and He looks at me to hear me. That is so wonderful, so valuable, that I worship the God of Heaven and He looks at me to hear me.

Are you afraid? Are you brokenhearted? Are you in trouble? Call out to the Lord, right now where ever you are, call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will rescue you from the fear you face, He will mend your broken heart, and He will rescue you from your trouble, your addictions, and your shortcomings. Call on Him, ask the Lord to save you from death and hell, and deliver you from your situation; ask Him to give you His grace, His mercy, His strength, and His joy and peace. Give your burden to the Lord; confess your sin. He is never too busy to hear your voice, He waits for you to call to Him in your distress and He will forgive, He will give you mercy and grace to live for Him.

The Lord loves you much more than you can ever imagine. His love is nothing like the love we humans have or give; His love is pure, sincere, and authentic. Make no mistake, the Lord loves you: He waits for you to cry out to Him.





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